Public Parks Need Video Surveillance To Stay Safe
December 10th, 2024
Like many parks and public places in Grenada, the area has been described as a quiet and peaceful area. It’s a place where citizens can go for a relaxing stroll or day out with the kids. Unfortunately, much of that could change.
What Can Happen?
It only takes one vandalization attack to easily cause up to $2,000 in damages. Common vandal damages include:
Destroying the fish food vending machine
Stealing money
Destroying benches
Throwing debris in the water
Breaking steps
Bending park signs
Despite the continual service of fixing the park and making it a welcome place for residents, some believe that vandals get a kick out of seeing its destruction. In the past, those caught vandalizing public parks were required to do community service. Next time, they may face a judge.
Fight Back As A Community
A security camera placed in public park areas can be the best way to keep this from happening again. Law enforcement cannot be stationed at the park all day and night, but a security camera that has remote viewing can provide 24/7 monitoring.
Having a police presence or a security guard posted around the clock at any location is time-consuming and expensive. A security camera is not only a more cost-friendly option, but it also offers great protection. When security cameras are visible to the public, criminals are less likely to engage in illegal activities. And if someone does commit a crime, the video footage can be released to the media to help identify and catch the perpetrator.
Love Your City And Protect It With Security Cameras
If you’re looking to protect your home, business, or other public area in Grenada, give us a call. We’d be happy to set you up with a high-quality security camera system that’s right for you. Don’t let these criminals get away with more than they’ve already gotten away with. Contact us today.